Our new water dispensers are finally here!
Since 2025, we have completely changed our water supply system to permanently installed water dispensers. The modern filter technology upgrades the water and we get high mineral content water straight from the pipe. Thanks to the innovative Active Pure filter technology, the dispenser ensures that the water is not only pure but also mineralised. There is a range of three types of mineral water as well as options for hot and warm water – ideal for every taste.
Our team is also delighted with the new high-quality ARGUS glass bottles so that you can enjoy the water directly and sustainably.
The new water dispensers, which are connected to the mains water supply, also save many kilometres of transport of conventional plastic bottles. By changing over to this sustainable water supply, we are saving around 5 tonnes of CO₂ emissions, as the distance travelled to transport the water bottles is kept to a minimum and we are also making a valuable contribution to protecting the environment.