Our working student Christina Steinmann was awarded 4th place in the awards for her excellent bachelor thesis by the employers' association Unternehmerverband Westfalen-Mitte.

As part of her bachelor thesis at ARGUS, Christina (2nd from left) worked on the "Investigation of NIR absorbers to optimize the laser cutting of metals with transparent protective films" and developed a coherent overall package of product and method development with a high level of industrial practical relevance. Her first mentor, Prof. Dr. Sabine Fuchs (2nd from right) from Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences, also noticed this excellent work and promptly nominated her for the sponsorship awards of the Unternehmerverband Westfalen-Mitte. The jury was equally impressed by her work, so Christina was awarded.

On Tuesday, 18.06.2024, the award ceremony took place as part of a festive lecture event organized by the Unternehmerverband, to which all those involved were invited to the Kurhaus Hamm. In addition to the award winner Christina, Dr. Jessica Irrgang (1st from left), who had taken over the internal mentoring of the bachelor thesis, and Dr. Matthias Hüttner (1st from right) took part in the event from the ARGUS side. In addition to the certificate for 4th place, Christina was delighted to receive prize money of €1,000.