Award for innovative and comprehensive climate protection strategies and energy efficiency measures
From 2025, we will be a member of the Excellence Initiative Climate Protection Companies e.V.! Together with four other companies from Germany, we are delighted that our contribution to climate protection has been recognised.
Since 2009, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWK), the Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMUV) and the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) have been honouring companies for their special commitment to climate protection. ARGUS is one of five new climate protection companies that have been successfully assessed and scrutinised by an independent panel of experts. The multi-stage selection process took place under strict criteria. Companies that receive a positive recommendation from the committee at the end of the assessment are accepted as members of Klimaschutz-Unternehmen e.V.. We are delighted with the positive feedback from our application and look forward to exchanging ideas within the network!
Jörg Schmidt, Chairman of Klimaschutz-Unternehmen: ‘Think ahead, set an example, lead the way! Under this motto, climate protection companies have been driving the transformation to a climate-neutral Germany for more than 15 years.’ What counts is the willingness to be a true pioneer, to work on future-oriented solutions, to engage in dialogue with others and thus promote the transfer of knowledge. The Climate Protection Companies Association sees itself as a cross-sector network of companies that is committed to achieving Germany's climate policy goals with innovative solutions.
ARGUS is officially honoured for its membership in the summer with a certificate from the Federal Ministry of Economics, the Federal Ministry for the Environment and the DIHK.